Nowadays the "cabeçudos" are an intrinsic part of Portuguese folk culture.This anthropomorphic figure is characterized by its huge head usually made from paper pulp, which is used as a mask.
Here you can find the big head and the mask.
The "Cabeçudo" [meaning "big head"] is manufactured on a atelier for assistance to families with special needs. The traditional technique of bonding of thin sheets of paper, patiently overlaid in several layers, provides uniqueness to each work.
With the "Cabeçudo" we bring it a paper for you make a study of color before paint it, if you want to bring some color to your big head!
Those ones are made by an Association: GAF (Family Assistance Office). The main objectives of GAF most notably include: welcoming needy people and families requesting human and spiritual aid; providing families with training opportunities in a wide variety of topics, in order to prevent shortages and imbalances, while a team of qualified staff offers a psychological, legal, social and spiritual consulting service.
If you buy a "Cabeçudo" you are also helping those people.
Available in two sizes:
Big with approximately 40cm height
Small with approximately 30cm height